Pre Retreat Cacao Ceremony
Begin Your Journey With Cacao
This is a ceremony to do before our group call on February 18th and is a way for you to begin exploring more deeply the work we’ll be doing together for our retreat.
To begin, watch the video below that Marien put together to explain the ceremony and then follow the steps below.
~ Brew up some cacao: Use our ceremonial cacao recipe here
~ Set up a space at home that feels sacred & nurturing to do this exercise.
~ Set your intention. Ex. I am open and curious to commune with Cacao and receive her grace and guidance in any way it may show up.
~ Journal prompts:
1) Before drinking cacao, how do you feel physically, energetically, and emotionally right now?
2) What changes, even if subtle, did you notice while exploring the medicine?
3) How do you feel physically, energetically, emotionally now that you have finished the exploration?
4) Before going to bed, notice how you feel physically, energetically, and emotionally and write it down.
~ Two days after drinking, notice any significant changes in your emotions. Are you feeling anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, or as if you easily are "flying off
the handle"?
If you are feeling any of these emotions, we invite you to go inward and explore the lesson it has for you. If you need support, please contact Moses at or Marien at